Behavioral design through gamification is the biggest lever to improve the systems of the world at scale.
Chris is a leading Gamification Consultant and Designer of The Octalysis Group. He pioneered the launch of Microsoft Learn and is the Author of five books on topics in gamification and personal development. He was the Co-Creator of the Craft Your Future framework, based on his analysis of World of Warcraft and how player introspection can motivate teams and improve communication.
Prior to The Octalysis Group, Chris was facilitating experiential workshops with Google, Intuit, Facebook, and several Silicon Valley startups through Synergy Learning Systems. He was also a Life Coach and Lifestyle Gamification Designer helping millennials achieve their potential through their career, relationships, and wellness.
Chris consulted and collaborated with the Malaysian government to create the Genovasi initiative, the innovation hub of Malaysia, solving the 15 Global Challenges. He also consulted Neurosky, the leading pioneer of EEG Biosensors that turn brainwave signals into a computer interface controller.
Having finished high-school at the age of 12, Chris pursued a degree in Film and Digital Media. He specializes in the power of storytelling as well as the intersection of technology and entertainment.
When he’s not solving problems of the world, Chris enjoys Ultimate Frisbee, card games, and snorkeling off the coast of Hawaii.