Does Corporate Gamification Increase Engagement at work?

Does Corporate Gamification Increase Engagement at work?


corporate engagement gamification

Corporations are continually seeking innovative strategies to motivate and inspire their workforce. Gamification has become a trending topic in many Fortune 500s. The Octalysis Group has worked with many companies to create high employee motivation on the workfloor. But does gamification truly increase engagement in a corporate setting? Let’s dive into the world of corporate gamification, unraveling its impact and exploring its potential with Octalysis insights from The Octalysis Group, leader in leveraging gamification strategies for business growth and employee engagement.

Understanding Corporate Gamification

Gamification involves taking the engaging, rewarding, and fun aspects of games and applying them to real-world processes and programs in a business context. Some examples of gamification elements include:

  • Points, badges, and leaderboards to track progress and recognize achievements
  • Challenges, quests, and missions that provide short-term goals
  • Leveling up and unlocking new content after milestones
  • Avatars, characters, and storytelling to build engagement
  • Feedback loops and real-time progress tracking
  • Social engagement through team collaboration and competitions

The objective is to tap into the motivational techniques that make games intrinsically rewarding and use those design principles to drive participation, loyalty, productivity, and enjoyment in corporate activities.

Gamification strategies are becoming increasingly popular in companies as a way to boost employee engagement, retention, training, recruitment, innovation, and more. Research indicates that enterprises implementing gamification see numerous benefits, including:

  • Increased productivity and job satisfaction
  • More engagement with training and development
  • Higher employee motivation and morale
  • Improved knowledge retention and transfer
  • Greater collaboration and connection among employees
  • Healthier work-life balance and wellness habits

In a corporate setting, gamification can be applied to a diverse range of applications:

  • Sales & Marketing: Motivate sales teams to achieve targets, engage customers through loyalty programs
  • Training & Development: Make corporate eLearning more interactive and immersive
  • Innovation & Ideation: Spark creativity and collect employee ideas/feedback
  • Health & Wellness: Encourage fitness, nutrition, mindfulness, and stress management
  • Sustainability & Social Responsibility: Promote greener behaviors and social causes
  • Knowledge Sharing: Incentivize employees to share expertise and collaborate

The potential use cases are vast, limited only by imagination. Gamification allows corporations to take stale, mundane activities and transform them into something more enjoyable and fulfilling for employees.

Evolution of Corporate Gamification

As gamification principles became better understood through the rise of video games, consumer apps, and social networks, businesses recognized the untapped potential of using similar techniques to engage employees and customers.

Some of the first corporate gamification initiatives emerged in the mid-2000s, but were quite rudimentary and mainly focused on basic mechanics like point systems, badges, and leaderboards to boost sales, marketing, and training.

Over the past decade, gamification strategies have matured significantly. Some key evolutions include:

  • Deeper psychological insights into motivation and engagement
  • Increased data analysis for personalized and adaptive approaches
  • Greater creativity in design and narrative elements
  • Focus on long-term habit formation over short-term rewards
  • Ethical guidelines for avoiding manipulation or over-gamification

Today’s leading companies are taking a more holistic, science-backed approach to drive intrinsic motivation through purposeful and thoughtful game design.

The Science Behind Gamification: The Octalysis Framework

Modern gamification practices are underpinned by research in psychology, neurobiology, and human-centered design. One framework that encapsulates the scientific fundamentals is the Octalysis Model developed by world-leading gamification expert Yu-kai Chou, Joris Beerda and The Octalysis Group.

The Octalysis Framework identifies eight core human drives that motivate behavior:

Epic Meaning & Calling – a sense of purpose and contribution

Development & Accomplishment – progress, mastery, achievement

Empowerment of Creativity & Feedback – autonomy, experimentation

Ownership & Possession – motivation through virtual goods

Social Influence & Relatedness – mentorship, social pressure

Scarcity & Impatience – fear of missing out, limited resources

Unpredictability & Curiosity – variable rewards, exploration

Loss & Avoidance – avoidance of pain, costs, or penalties

By aligning corporate goals and activities with these motivational drivers, gamification can deeply engage employees on an emotional and psychological level to drive positive behaviors.

Introduction to The Octalysis Group

Founded by Yu-kai Chou and Joris Beerda, pioneers in gamification and human-focused design, The Octalysis Group is a leading consultancy firm helping Fortune 500 companies and global brands leverage the power of gamification. With expertise in motivation psychology, a proven Octalysis Framework methodology, and a track record of spectacular results, Octalysis Group strategists enable organizations to implement smart gamification systems that align player incentives with company goals. From identifying appropriate game mechanics to measuring behavioral impact, Octalysis Group offers full-service corporate gamification solutions backed by science. Their consultants can help assess your needs, develop strategies tailored for your organization, and maximize the effectiveness of gamification to boost your employee engagement and corporate performance.

Case Studies: Corporate Gamification Success Stories

The true impact of gamification in business can be seen through real-world examples and results. Here are some inspiring case studies and success stories of companies applying gamification principles through engaging programs:

Example: Increasing Sales Productivity

Navo Orbico, with its expansive reach across 19 countries and a portfolio boasting 512 prominent brands such as Ariel, Pampers, and Pringles, grappled with:

  • Stagnant sales figures.
  • Alarmingly high rates of employee turnover.
  • Ineffective internal training programs draining financial resources.
  • A palpable dip in employee morale and engagement.

With traditional training methods proving to be ineffective and the monotonous nature of sales roles amplifying employee dissatisfaction, Navo Orbico sought a groundbreaking solution.

The Octalysis Group’s answer lay in applying Octalysis and create a highly engaging application

  • Innovative Overlay: Built atop  existing systems, an 18th-century trading city theme was introduced, inspired by the Baltic sea and old school port traders.
  • Engaging Tasks: Sales representatives, now turned traders, embarked on journeys, traded with colonies (clients), and filled their ships with wares, bringing excitement to their roles.
  • Augmented Reality: An integration with Google Maps transformed mundane commutes into adventurous sails, with real-time interactions and alerts.
  • Reward Mechanisms: A leveling system enabled sales reps to earn points, upgrade ships, and win tangible rewards, effectively turning tedious admin work into an engaging activity.
  • Community Building: A virtual port city, affected by sales, natural disasters, and more, became the collective project for all sales representatives, fostering teamwork.
  • Centralized Communication: The Tavern, a virtual space, served as the hub for all corporate communication, training, and interaction.


If you have ever worked for a big company, especially one in the manufacturing segment, the paragraph above may sound familiar. On one hand, the company cannot ignore the importance of health and safety training, but on the other, the employees do not feel motivated to do repetitive and pointless training sessions. How to solve this dilemma?

That was exactly the scenario we found at Aperam, one of the biggest stainless steel producers in the world and part of the multi-billion dollar Arcelor Mittal group. They had one crucial difference though: their innovation and safety teams were willing to change this scenario.

It was the end of 2017 when we first sat together to follow our 5 steps gamification process to design a Human-Focused experience and add the 8 Core Drives to their workplace safety training experience.

By interviewing users and responsible personnel, we discovered their current safety training had the following main problems:

  • Sessions were time-consuming and cost-ineffective;
  • The engagement with the content was low;
  • There was no integration with workflow;
  • There was no cross-department interaction on workplace safety.

The Octalysis Group solution for Aperam is not only engaging, but also employees are acting safer and the number of accidents is decreasing. Likely led to 10 – 20 million dollars in accident prevention. Contact us for more details on how we went about it.

Gamification Strategies for Employee Engagement

Well-designed gamification strategies tap into human motivations and needs. Here are some of the key tactics to boost employee engagement:

Personalization and Customization

No two employees are identical. Consistent feedback loops and personalized recommendations based on the user’s behaviors, interests, and preferences make for adaptive gamification systems that keep employees engaged in the long run.

Rewards and Recognition

A balanced mix of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards caters to motivation. Effective recognition like points and badges acknowledges progress while job mastery and purpose creates intrinsic meaning. Leaderboards foster healthy competition.

Social Dynamics and Community

Humans have a fundamental need for social belonging. Gamification elements like teams, social comparisons, mentorship opportunities, or peer recognition leverage our innate desires for status, esteem, and camaraderie.

These mechanics and more can be strategically combined into an engaging experience optimized for the company’s objectives, workplace culture, and employees.

Challenges and Considerations in Implementing Gamification

While gamification offers immense potential, it requires thoughtful design and care to be effective long-term. Two key considerations include:

Balancing Fun and Professionalism

The workplace setting differs from purely entertainment-driven environments. Gamification should align with brand identity and complement, not distract from, the primary work objectives. Fun should motivate, not trivialize.

Ethical Implementation

Gamification should empower users and avoid manipulation. Transparency, consent, and appropriate use of motivation techniques are critical. Employee well-being takes priority over engagement metrics.

The Octalysis Group consultants are experts at walking this fine line to deliver professional, ethical, and human-focused gamification strategies.

Measuring the Impact of Gamification in Corporates

A comprehensive approach measures gamification’s effects on key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned to program objectives, such as:

  • Engagement: Participation rates, time spent, repeat usage
  • Business Results: Sales, productivity, profits, costs savings
  • Learning & Development: Knowledge retention, training completion rates
  • Behaviors & Habits: Health metrics like steps walked, smoking rates, product usage
  • Culture & Sentiment: Employee satisfaction, motivation, and brand sentiment


Ongoing A/B testing provides feedback to refine game mechanics and incentives for optimal motivation. Platform analytics and participant surveys give qualitative insights into engagement and enjoyment.

The Future of Corporate Gamification

Gamification is poised to become even more sophisticated and immersive with emerging technologies:

  • VR & AR: Immersive simulations like 3D VR training scenarios
  • AI & Machine Learning: Advanced personalization, recommendations, and adaptive mechanics
  • Digital Assistants: Chatbot guides, coaches, and teammates
  • Biofeedback & IoT: Tracking real-time stress indicators, location, motion for adaptive gaming
  • Blockchain: Secure record-keeping for certifications and achievements
  • Crowdsourcing & Social: Collective challenges, democratized idea generation

As tools evolve, science-led design will remain vital to driving meaningful engagement through optimized motivation.

Looking forward

In conclusion, gamification presents a unique and powerful tool for enhancing engagement in corporate settings. By tapping into the fundamental human drives and desires, gamification strategies devised by experts like those at The Octalysis Group can lead to remarkable improvements in employee motivation, productivity, and overall job satisfaction.

Whether it’s through innovative training programs, wellness initiatives, or productivity boosts, the potential of gamification in the corporate world is boundless.

To explore how gamification can transform your corporate environment and to delve deeper into the expertise offered by The Octalysis Group, we invite you to learn more at our employee engagement page.

Embrace the game-changing potential of gamification and witness a significant shift in your corporate dynamics.

Contact us for more information on how to go about solving your employee engagement issues!

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